
A human’s brain is part of the visible, tangible world of the body. A human’s mind is part of the invisible, transcendent world of thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitude, beliefs, and imagination. The brain is the physical organ most associated with mind and consciousness, but the mind is not confined to the brain. The element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, and judges.

It is recognized how the human brain’s numerous functions fall into distinct halves – empathy on the right side and logic on the left side. Based on this universally accepted nomenclature, there are mathematically four possible empathy/logic combinations shaping an individual adult human’s mindset: “all” empathy and little logic; balanced empathy and logic; little empathy and “all” logic; or little empathy and little logic.

For those who have a mindset characterized as having little empathy and “all” logic, the latter often transforms into illogical thinking overall. Just think sociopath or psychopath and how there is little to no conscience concern of others. Contrarily, those who’s mindset is characterized by “all” empathy and little logic, the “all empathy” transcends into almost non-stop “il-empathical” thinking. With little to no logic to balance one’s empathy, there is no limit to how far one’s mindset can ascend new heights of experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of others not as fortunate as themselves.

Those who are characterized as having a mostly balanced empathy and logic mindset are comfortably empowered to individually think in a reasonable and rational way. Then the characteristic combination of little empathy and little logic traps one’s mindset in the complete opposite direction, often producing individual thinking which is unreasonable and/or irrational. Meanwhile, those with “all” and “little” combinations in either direction will often display similar levels of unreasonableness and irrationality.

The above mindset characteristic combinations then lead to the four categories and labels that form the “Thought Process Foundation” of the Mind Spectrum as follows. The Mind Blind (“all” empathy and little logic) fall on the spectrum’s left; the Mind Balanced (balanced empathy and logic) are found in the middle; the Mind Blasted (little empathy and “all” logic) fall on the spectrum’s right; while the Mind Blown (little empathy and little logic) create a loose connection to the left and right ends of the spectrum. Visually, as depicted below, this forms a circular spectrum for categorizing, labeling, and measuring the adult human mind.